Everything You Need To Know About 3D Orthodontic Assessments

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As Orthodontists, we’re experts at straightening teeth and realigning bites. But until recently we depended on taking moulds of teeth to allow us to prepare braces and other devices correctly for each patient. The problem with moulds is that every mouth is different and using moulds is not always the most precise method of assessing the teeth, jaw and mouth. This is where recent technological advancements in 3D orthodontic assessments have made a difference.

The Future is Definitely 3D

Through using an array of cameras and digital technology, we can now build a completely three dimensional view of every mouth, every jaw, every bite, and every facial profile.

3D orthodontic assessments provides the kind of technology that was only fantasy a few decades ago. It not only allows a more accurate rendering of the dental areas that really matter to us as orthodontists, but it also drives the development of smile makeover solutions like Suresmile.

Using six digital cameras, digital scanning technology, and computer rendering and modelling software, we’re able to build a real-time three dimensional view of the facial profile. When complete, the rendered digital model can easily be assessed and manipulated onscreen. This allows us to assess where the key problems are and how we can provide the best solution.

Why is a 3D Model So Important?

A 3D model certainly looks impressive on-screen, but it’s a lot more important than that. Here are some benefits that we gain from using 3D orthodontics:


First and foremost, an accurate picture of the teeth, the jaw, and the facial profile are incredibly important to a successful orthodontic treatment. Where once we only had photos, x-rays, and moulds, 3D orthodontic assessments allow us to quickly build an accurate model so that we can plan treatments accordingly. By having access to accurate measurements and details, we can develop more precise braces, aligners, and Suresmile archwires. More precision means a faster treatment time too, which is good news for all patients.

Better and potentially faster treatments

Orthodontic treatment can be a real drag for a lot of people. 3D orthodontics gives us access to an accurate model that might even cut down treatment time. With all of the details provided to us by 3D digital rendering, we can very quickly build a picture of what treatments will work and what treatments won’t. This allows us to move teeth very precisely into a final position during all orthodontic treatments.

Complex cases

Not every case we deal with is straightforward. In fact, there are some pretty complex jaw alignment and tooth issues. An accurate model in these cases is absolutely indispensable and can inform the best course of treatment. In days gone by, orthodontists had to rely on fewer tools. A times, this could result in a less than optimal course of treatment or mistakes being made.


Being able to manipulate a real-time 3D digital rendering of a patient’s facial profile, teeth, and jaw also means that we can look at how the teeth might move. During Invisalign treatments, for example, we can watch a digital progression of how the teeth and jaw position will likely change. This is based entirely on the data gathered by our camera and scanning technologies. We can see, from day one to the final day, how the Invisalign treatment will progress.

How Is The 3D Assessment Different?

The truth is that there are so many benefits to 3D orthodontic assessments that everyone in our industry is moving very rapidly to this way of doing things. This doesn’t mean that we’ve lost our ability to sit down and have a chat with our patients. On the contrary, it means that we can now gain a great deal more insight into every single case and discuss the best solutions because we have much more accurate data available.

For you as our patient, this means an individualised treatment plan that is based on 3D rendering. Rather than endure unpleasant moulding paste and having to come back a month later to discuss treatment plans, we can complete assessment and build the digital model while you’re here. There’s no waiting around for moulding paste and no guesswork.

You should also expect that you can sit down with us and view the 3D digital model too. We will discuss all treatment options and even preview how a treatment will likely progress from beginning to end. It’s pretty amazing technology!

Is 3D Printing Part of the Future too?

It’s an exciting time to be an Orthodontist, because technologies like 3D printing, along with 3D orthodontic assessments, are making some special things possible. As good quality 3D printing becomes more affordable in the medical world, it will become an integral part of orthodontic assessment and treatment. The technology is already available to allow real-time printing of retainers and aligners.

This means no waiting around for mouth casts and moulds, and no waiting for another appointment. The 3D printing technology will allow us to print accurate retainers, mouth-guards, aligner trays, and other devices. Each completely customised for every patient based on an accurate 3D model.

3D Orthodontic Assessments are Better For Patients

Orthodontics has always had an element of applying the latest technologies to solve dental issues. The potential in 3D orthodontics means that we now have access to precise information that we didn’t have before. For our patients, it  means potentially faster treatment, more comfortable treatment, and less visits to the clinic for check-ups.

With all of these great digital imaging tools at our disposal, there's absolutely no guess-work during treatments. We use the data to prepare the right tools for the best result.  Whether that's aligner trays, retainers, Suresmile archwires, or braces. It also means patients can participate in the treatment plan. This is because they can view the same 3D models that we use to develop the treatments.

To start your smile alignment using 3D orthodontic assessments and 3D treatment processes, contact Profile Orthodontics to book an appointment.

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    • Donna

      About Donna

      Having originally trained as a Dental Clinic Assistant, Donna’s passion led her to move into the specialised field of Endodontics. Her appetite for education has seen Donna grow from Dental Assis

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