How Long Do Braces Stay On For?

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You may be excited about the idea of a brand new smile, but not quite as much about wearing metal brackets and wires in order to get it. Thankfully, the length of time braces stay on for to achieve the beautifully straight and functional smile you have been dreaming about likely won’t be that long at all. In fact, the majority of patients can anticipate achieving their smile goals in about two short years or less – almost no time at all!

Factors that Influence How Long Braces Stay On For

Whether you’ll need to wear your braces for a little more time, or for a little less, will depend on your unique smile needs and the recommendations of your orthodontist. In general, more complex or severe cases are going to require more time for the braces to do their job, and do it effectively enough to last a lifetime (with proper care and maintenance). On the other hand, however, simpler cases might not even take the average two years time to transform your smile. It all depends on what needs to be done, so talk to your orthodontist to see what they think for a more accurate timeframe.

How to Reduce Your Time in Braces

If you want to wear your braces for as little time as possible there are a few things you can do, all of which will likely be discussed with your orthodontist and their team when you first start your treatment. As a general rule, you want to make sure you take your orthodontist’s advice and avoid hard or sticky foods, like chewing gum or taffy, that could damage your braces. Since they’re working hard to move your teeth into the desired position, any damage could set back progress and make the treatment take longer.

Looking to perfect your smile with braces? Book an appointment with Profile Orthodontics in Claremont or Joondalup to discuss your unique treatment plan. 

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    • Donna

      About Donna

      Having originally trained as a Dental Clinic Assistant, Donna’s passion led her to move into the specialised field of Endodontics. Her appetite for education has seen Donna grow from Dental Assis

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